LG Aristo Hidden Menu & Other Secret / Dialer Codes

LG Aristo has few useful dialer codes which may come in handy. To open the secret menu we have to dial the code in phone dialer. Different carriers have different secret codes. As LG Aristo is available for MetroPCS and T-Mobile. The dialer codes specific to T-Mobile Android smartphones will work with LG Aristo. Let’s explore them one by one.


LG Aristo IMEI Dialer Code – 

LG Aristo Dialer Code IMEI

*#06# is a very common dialer code for IMEI. The screenshot shows *#06 as the dialer code.Make sure you add the # to make it *#06#. It works on almost all GSM phones.


IMEI is also displayed with Key Combination as shown below –

When your LG Aristo is OFF, Press Volume Up + Volume Down + Power Button together. Keep the keys pressed till you see IMEI Display screen.


LG Aristo Testing Menu Dialer Code  –

LG Aristo Secret Code Testing Menu

The dialer code *#*#4636#*#*  reveals “Testing” menu as shown above.

The screenshot shows *#*#4636#*# as the dialer code. Make sure you add #  in the end, to make it *#*#4636#*#*

The 4 parameters of testing under this secret menu are –

Phone Information, Battery Information, Usage Statistics & Wifi Information.

Let’s explore them one by one.

The first one i.e “Phone information” is blocked by MetroPCS it shows a Note –

“This application does not work on this device.”

Phone information is useful for changing network modes.

LG Aristo Secret menu Battery Info

The Battery information shows complete battery statistics including its Health and Temperature as shown above.

LG Aristo Secret Menu Usage Statistics

“Usage statistics” keep a count of App Usage Time.

It only keeps a record of the latest app usage time, date and duration.

If you’ll open that app next time new data will be recorded and old data will get erased.

Aristo Secret Menu Wifi Info

Wifi information includes Wifi API, Wifi config & Wifi status as shown above.

In Wifi API menu, I was only able to disconnect wifi, nothing else worked for me.

Aristo Dialer Code Wifi Config

Wifi Config shows details of the Configured networks as shown above.

Aristo dialer code wifi status

Wifi status shows the current running status of the connected wifi network.


LG Aristo Hidden Menu Dialer Code –

23 thoughts on “LG Aristo Hidden Menu & Other Secret / Dialer Codes

  1. Tisztelt fórumtársak!
    Vásároltam egy LG M210 Aristo telefont.
    Magyar vagyok és Magyarországon akarom használni. Nem T-Mobile.
    Fel tudtam oldani a TMBKiller.com.
    A telefonon csak 2G hálózat működik. Hogy lehet 4G hálózaton használni?
    Bootloader+TWRP+Supersu meg van oldva.
    Hogy tudok firmwaret flashalni. Az LG K8 M200N Kdz, file szeretném használni, mert az Európai, de sehogy sem sikerül frissíteni.
    Valaki tudna segíteni? Mit csináljak

  2. Is it possible that I can buy a instruction book I lot mind can’t figure out how to set up the phone without Help.

  3. I have an lg LmL212VL and for some reason when I type a dialer code and press green button it actually tries to place a call to whatever dialer code instead of doing what its supposed to do according to code

    • You don’t have to press the green call button. Just enter the dialer code and it should take you to the respective menu. For example, *#06# would show your phone IMEI.

      Don’t follow the screenshots read the description you need to add an # in the end and I cannot show that in a screenshot as it directly opens the Menu as soon as I enter the last letter of dialer code.

  4. My phone isn’t allowing me to have any sound, i can hear calls but they can not hear me. It’s like this with my Facebook messenger

  5. Ok my LG aristo won’t let me get on any WiFi it says”CONNECTION NOT ALLOWED” my Bluetooth says the same thing. It was working fine when I got the phone and just a week ago how do I fix this please help.

  6. How to you get the archived messages. I have accidentally sent things to archive and I don’t know where they go or how to retrieve them. Any help. I can not find anything on the internet.

  7. I just recently purchased a prepayed plan from Metro PC & chose the LG Aristo phone. I am not very ‘tech
    ‘ savvy & am having a difficult time finding anything on line about how to ‘un install’ apps or delete them. Not the ones already on the phone, I mean apps that I downloaded. I’ve tried everything I can think of (which may not be much lol) Would someone please help me with this?? Thanks AG

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