LG Aristo User Manual/Guide PDF Download-MS210 MetroPCS & T Mobile

Nowadays, User Manual is not a part of the sales package.  It’s a practical move. I think a hard copy would bite dust even if included. After all, Google is the friend for clearing all doubts no matter which product you buy.
But every fine detail about the product is not covered online and we need to refer User Guide to get a better understanding of the product.

With LG Aristo as well only a getting started guide in included in the sales package. It’s a very basic guide. It will help you in activating your LG Aristo and then using it for calling and texts.For a better know how related to the Android Nougat 7.0 OS you need to go through the instruction manual.

LG Aristo MetroPCS MS210 User Manual Download –


You can see the screenshots of the English & Spanish User Guide for MetroPCS version of LG Aristo. Below are the download links for the respective PDF files –

LG Aristo MS210 English User Guide –


LG Aristo MS210 Spanish User Guide –


LG Aristo T-Mobile M210 User Manual Download – 


Both the Aristo’s from MetroPCS and T-Mobile are one and the same. There’ll be only some network related differences. There is a different User Guide for T-Mobile’s LG Aristo.  Below are the PDF Download links for English and Spanish Versions.

LG Aristo M210 English User Guide  –


LG Aristo M210 Spanish User Guide –



Keep on visiting lgaristo.com to learn more. There is a lot more to learn which is out of the scope of a user guide.

LG Aristo USB Drivers & ADB Driver PC-Windows 10 & MAC

The newer version of LG USB driver is all-inclusive. It installs the adb drivers as well. So be it the Fastboot mode for unlocking the bootloader or download mode for flashing a stock firmware, if you have the LG USB drivers installed you just have to wait for few seconds, for the first time driver installation.


LG Aristo USB & ADB Driver

When I connected my LG Aristo to the PC for the first time the MTP USB  driver got installed on its own. So I was able to do a file transfer without any driver installation. But the ADB Interface driver installation failed, as shown in the above screenshot.

LG Aristo USB Driver (v4.2) for Windows PC –

So to connect your LG Aristo in ADB, Fastboot or Download Mode we need to install the latest LG USB Drivers. You can download Latest version of USB driver from the below download link.




The file is in zip format. Extract it and run the .exe file for installation as shown above.


LG Aristo Driver Installation for ADB & Fastboot Mode – 


Before connecting your LG Aristo in ADB mode make sure you’ve turned ON USB Debugging in Developer Options.

Now connect the phone to PC via USB data cable and put the phone in “Charging Mode”

Let the ADB driver install on its own.

Now that you’ve successfully installed the ADB driver, you may like to unlock the LG Aristo Bootloader.


LG Aristo ADB Driver Manual Installation – 

In case your PC has very old LG USB driver or ADB drivers are not getting installed even after installing the latest LG Driver, then install it manually as shown on next page.